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/ Best of Shareware / Best of PC Windows Shareware 1.0 - Wayzata Technology (7111) (1993).iso / pc / zipped / dos / home / kpslotto.zip

Jump To: Archive (1)  |  Image (1)  |  Text (29)  |  Other (3)

Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
TINY-ED.ZIP PKZip Archive 6 7KB 1992-01-17

Images (1)

Text (29)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CALIF.BAT DOS Batch File 12 256b 1992-01-17
CALIF.DAT Text File 70 2KB 1992-01-17
CALIF.DEF Text File 2 9b 1992-01-17
CALIF.INF Text File 26 2KB 1992-01-17
CALIF.LST File List 4 27b 1992-01-17
CALIF.SET Text File 6 25b 1992-01-17
CALIF539.DAT Text File 83 3KB 1992-01-17
CALIF539.SET Text File 6 25b 1992-01-17
COMMENT.FRM Text File 58 2KB 1992-01-17
DEFAULT.CAL Text File 6 128b 1992-01-17
DEFAULT.LOT Text File 6 80b 1992-01-17
FILES.TXT File List 38 2KB 1992-01-17
LOTTO.DEF Text File 2 9b 1992-01-17
LOTTO.DOC Text File 425 25KB 1992-01-17
LOTTO.INF Text File 26 2KB 1992-01-17
LOTTO.LST File List 4 27b 1992-01-17
MENU.BAT DOS Batch File 6 128b 1992-01-17
MENU.SCN Text File 24 2KB 1992-01-17
OTHER.INF Text File 26 2KB 1992-01-17
PRINTDOC.BAT DOS Batch File 11 256b 1992-01-17
READ.ME Text File 7 65b 1992-01-17
REGISTER.FRM Text File 58 5KB 1992-01-17
TICKET1.CAL Text File 6 128b 1992-01-17
TICKET1.LOT Text File 6 80b 1992-01-17
TICKET2.CAL Text File 6 128b 1992-01-17
TICKET2.LOT Text File 6 80b 1992-01-17
WHEEL.LST File List 4 23b 1992-01-17
WHEEL.WHL Text File 33 774b 1992-01-17
WHEEL1.WHL Text File 33 774b 1992-01-17

Other Files (3)
LOTTO.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 71KB 1992-01-17
LOTTOSET.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 7KB 1992-01-17
UNZIP.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 24KB 1992-01-17